
unhealthy living

school was busy. many requirements to do. group meetings every after noon. barely have time to relax. or at least eat a decent food .i know how to cook. and i actually love to. but obviously, my schedule just won't allow me.

i've been a regular customer of KFC, mcdonald's and jollibee. oh yeah, july has been my fast food month. i know that too much fast food is bad. maybe the bad cholesterol in my body is already befriending my arteries so they can bind there forever and give me hypertension. and i don't want that. so since today is my free day, i decided to do the grocery and buy some healthy stuffs.

my grocery list:
- mixed vegetables
- oranges
- green leaves
- bananas
- yogurt
- milk
- wheat bread
- milk
- tofu
- fruit juice

things in my basket when i reached the counter:
- instant noodles
- canned meat sauce
- chocolate drink
- junk foods
- cookies
- 1 small pack of mixed veggies

talking about healthy living, eh? oh deymn, that is why i hate going to the grocery alone.

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