
my good girl act

after days, i am able to blog again. actually, i do go online and check my blog every other day. i try to have a new post but my mind is always blank. like now. hahaha! i just decided to do this blog because my blog is getting kinda lame with no new updates. i think people who don't update their blog kind of suck so now i belong to the sucking suckers. see, there is no sense in what i am typing here. ha-ha!my life is just busy with hospital duties, quizzes, practices, MY RESREARCH REQUIREMENT- which chapter 1 is due this friday but i haven't started any- and other requierements.

one of my requirement is do 'acts of solidarity' for one week. how do we define solidarity? Solidarity can both refer to an action that caused change or you became an instrument of hope or meaning to people in suffering or need of aid. of course i don't do it intentionally. i believe that you have to do this without the thought of getting a high grade. right?

yesterday, i gave some coins to this kid who cleaned my shoes while i was on the jeep. and yes, i think i am already an 'instrument of hope'. hahaha! because the kid looked like he hasn't eaten for 2 weeks. i hate his parents for not giving him dignity. he works despite of the heavy rain and floody streets. and where are they? i think they are just out their nourishing themselves with alcohol with the money their child is getting from cleaning shoes. grrr.
i just want to spread the word. let us not be apathetic. let us care. our little deeds can be great acts in the eyes of other people. i felt like spiderman- the superhero who gives hope- when i gave that kid 5 pesos. try it, it feels great :)

just seeing them smile can lift your soul

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